Giveaway of Tomodachi: The Forest of the Night
This month, our sponsor, Eagle Books, is offering a giveaway of Tomadachi: The Forest of the Night, a novel which combines mystery, adventure, and the Samurai tradition. Subscribe to our HNSA newsletter then comment on this post to enter the draw. Contest ends at 5 pm on 7 October 2019. Winning entries will be determined via

Shipwrecked at the far end of the world in a land at war.
Befriended by runaways fated to harrowing paths.
In constant dangerfrom warriors, bandits and superstitious villagers who take his blue eyes andpale skin as proof that he’s a demon…
Young Daniel Marloweand his Japanese ‘tomodachi’, his friends, Otsu and Kenji, are about to stumbleinto a stomach-knotting adventure where a ferocious public test of samuraivirtue and a murder investigation will collide. Their hazardous journeypromises answers. The hope of being joyfully reunited, the risk of confirmingloss.
But the spirit worldhas its own part to play in their destinies, for someone -or something- waitswatchfully in the ancient Forest of the Night.
‘A beautifully written adventure with wonderful, believable characters and thrilling action.’ Ian Irvine
Simon Higgins isa former police officer, prosecutor and private investigator specialising inmurder cases. A martial artist and published author with an internationalcareer spanning over 20 years and 14 novels published in several languages, hehas also been an Australian Government Ambassador for Asia Literacy and anEndeavour Award Recipient, funded by his country to live and study in China.Simon was the first westerner to pen an interactive Visual Novel published inboth Chinese and English. In 2008 he competed in Kyoto, Japan, in the annualTaikai, the world championships of the sword art Iaido, held on a mountaintopbefore a Japanese prince. Simon placed fifth. When not working on novels orteaching around the world, he leads a professional team writing an animatedseries for Chinese TV.
Jenny (Yuxiao) Wang, who also happens to be Simon Higgins'swife, is the CEO of Crane Animation and the creator of the iconic animatedChinese characters Cocoa and Little Love, watched on over 1000 TV channels inAsia and on planes, trains, buses, internet channels, even giant screens onskyscrapers. Her series has won over 160 awards. She has a Masters Degree inCreative Media from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, plus a degreein Engineering from the Chinese equivalent of MIT. An expert animator andartist, Jenny has taught students of all ages how to draw Manga and Anime stylecharacters using techniques she developed that instantly impart skill andconfidence. Her life story, going from a desperately poor village childhood inrural China to seeing her own creative and business dreams realised, is anempowering message of self-esteem and positivity she has shared with youngpeople around the world.
Good luck in the draw!