HNSA 2019 Program Changes
'The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley' - Robert Burns ‘To a Mouse’
The HNSA 2019program features over 60 speakers in 25 sessions across 2 days. As program director,I was pleased that all the moving parts fell into place in March. However, someof our authors have needed to withdraw for various reasons so I thought I’d introduceyou to our fabulous replacements.

Juliet Marillier & Roanna Gonsalves
Malla Nunnwill step into the shoes of Robert Gott in History and Mystery: truth and lies in detective fiction on Sunday 27th October at 9 am in Stream 2.
David Whish-Wilson will joinour Survival of the Fittest: challenginginterior and exterior landscapes to replace Jock Serong on Sunday 27thOctober at 1.50 pm in Stream 1.
Juliet Marillier will takeover the reins from Lauren Chater in The FeminineMystique: Writing strong female protagonists on Sunday 27th Octoberat 1.50 pm in Stream 2.
Malla Nunn also will be kept busy appearing in The Silver Screen:historical fiction scriptwriting insteadof Luke Devenish on Sunday 27th October at 2.40 pm in Stream 2. Jesse Blackadder will alsojoin this panel to share her insights with Kelly Gardiner now acting as chair.
We’re also pleased to welcome Roanna Gonsalves who will be replacing Robert Gott as chair on The Versatile Writer: In conversation with Sophie Masson and Kelly Gardiner on Saturday 26th October at 11.30 am in Stream 1.
Full details of all our program is set out on our HNSA conference page.

Meg Keneally has kindly agreed to conduct the Writing Crime Fiction Workshop on Friday 25th October at 11.30 am in place of Robert Gott. This workshop and the other 8 tutorials are filling fast so don’t dally in booking your place.
Details of all our workshops are set out in our Craft and Publishing Program.
Early Bird Registration closes on 31 July! Buy your tickets here.

Elisabeth Storrs is the author of the award winning Tales of Ancient Rome saga, and the co-founder and program director of the HNSA. She’ll be conjuring spells with Kate Forsyth and Kim Wilkins at HNSA 2019 in Love Potions & Witchcraft.