HNSA Sydney 2019 Conference Wrap Up

It’s just over month since HNSA Sydney 2019 and the committee are starting to emerge from their fog of post conference fatigue. We will meet on Monday evening to de-brief and then <insert deep fortifying breath> set the train in motion for 2021. 

Before we start chugging forward however, I've been asked to give you some of the conference highlights from the conference that was. But where to begin? Without beating the super-dooper-stunning-amazing conference committee's own drum? 

Turns out I don't need to write a thing. Because people have been blogging. Check out this Recipe for Writing Historical Fiction, a wrap up from Breathless in the Bush, or the Eighteen Things this blogger learned from a weekend with history nuts.

What, I hear you say? You've written a blog too?

We'd love to hear from you!

Why not paste a link in the comments section at the end of this post so others can check out your blog too.

Meanwhile, a picture says a thousand words. Here are some of the Tweets from #HNSA2019

Starting with the riveting keynote address...

And our amazing guest of honour...

Jackie French

Not to mention weapons demonstrations...

Thought provoking panels...

Paula Morris, Madison Shakespeare, Lisa Chaplin

Memorable quotes...

Unexpected surprises...

Oops! moments...

Post conference exhaustion...

And of course inspiration...

Happy writing everyone...

Cathy Ellis

Design agency based in Sydney Australia having a love affair with Squarespace for over 15 years ❤︎

HNSA 2019 Conference Winners


It's time!