ARA Historical Novel Prize Eligibility & Rules

The ARA Historical Novel Prize is a prestigious award recognising excellence in historical fiction in both Adult and Children & Young Adult categories. This prize celebrates the creativity, research, and storytelling skill required to craft compelling narratives set in the past. Read our rules to see if you and your novel are eligible to enter.

Definition of Adult Historical Fiction

The ARA Historical Novel Prize (the Prize) is only for published historical novels, that is, novels written in the historical fiction genre based on the following definition: 

  1. The definition of the genre set by the Historical Novel Society Australasia (HNSA) is a novel in which the majority of the narrative, ie more than 50% of the events described, has taken place at least 50 years before publication. 

  2. Historical sub-genres considered to be historical fiction include historical mystery, historical romance, and historical fantasy and alternate history. Time-slip novels, multiple-time period novels, and parallel narrative novels are also considered historical fiction with flexibility to crossover between eras stretching from 50 years or more in the past until contemporary times provided more than 50% of the events described take place at least 50 years before publication.

Definition of CYA Historical Fiction

Children and Young Adult historical fiction acceptable for the purposes of the ARA Historical Novel Prize include novels written for age groups stretching from middle primary to end of high school with a minimum. Picture books, graphic novels, narrative non-fiction, and non-fiction are excluded. Novels may include illustrations.

Submissions are now open for the 2025 ARA Historical Novel Prize. Read our rules to see if you and your novel are eligible to enter. Good luck in the contest!

Adult Historical Fiction Category: Prize Rules for 2025

Important Dates:

Early bird submissions open: 19 March 2025 at 9 am AEST

Early bird submissions close: 14 May 2025 at midnight AEST

General submissions open: 15 May 2025

Submissions period closes: 11 June 2025 at 5pm AEDT

Longlists announced: 3 September 2025

Shortlists announced: 24 September 2025

Winners announced: 16 October 2025

  • 1. Novels must be historical novels as per the definition set out in the rules.

    2. All forms of non-fiction including narrative non-fiction and memoir are ineligible.

    3. Novels must have first been published or released in English between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025 (the Publication Period).

    4. Novels do not have to be set in either Australia and/or New Zealand, or feature the history of those countries.

    5. Reprints of earlier novels are ineligible.

    6. Self-published novels are eligible provided that they were first made available for purchase to members of the public via a retail platform during the Publication Period.

    7. Authors must be citizens or residents of Australia or New Zealand at the time of entry.

    8. Authors must be over 18 years of age.

    9. Novels must have an ISBN (print) and EPUB ISBN (digital).

    10. Novels must be produced and published in English.

    11. Novels must have good production values and be professionally edited.

    12. Minimum word count is 50,000 words. The word count must be specified on the nomination form.

    13. Verse novels are eligible.

    14. Copyright will remain with the author.

    15. Novels written by two or more authors in collaboration are eligible. Novels that are the collective work of a community group are ineligible. 

    16. Posthumous entries will not be accepted. A novel will be disqualified if an author dies after their book is entered.

    17. Novels featuring First Nations characters and/or history should be respectfully researched with evidence the author has consulted with appropriate cultural advisers from Indigenous communities in the locales in which a book is set e.g. through their author’s note or in the acknowledgements.

    18. Novels which do not meet the eligibility criteria will be removed from contention and not be considered by the judging panel.

    19. Novels by authors who are current members of the HNSA Management Committee and/or HNSA Prize sub-committee, or are commercial contractors retained by HNSA for its biennial conferences or the Prize, or are principals, board members and employees of ARA Group are not eligible to be nominated for the Prize. Equally, novels by members of the judging panels are not eligible to be nominated for either category of the Prize.

  • Important: Please first refer to eligibility criteria to determine if a book is eligible.


    1. Publishers, agents, or authors may nominate novels for the Prize. If the novel is being nominated by a publisher or agent, the author’s consent to enter the work must be obtained. This must be confirmed on the nomination form by ticking a box.

    2. A publisher, agent, or author may nominate more than one novel provided a separate entry fee is paid for each novel. 

    3. A non-refundable entry fee per novel is payable. Payment must be cleared by 30 June 2025. The fees are:

    • Early Bird 19 March (9 am) to 14 May 2025 (Midnight) AEDT - $50

    • General entry 15 May to 11 June 2025 (5pm) AEDT- $80

    4. Nominated novels must be submitted in valid EPUB format via the online form. No other digital format will be accepted e.g. PDF or MOBI files. If you do not have access to a valid EPUB file, please contact us via  Digital files of the books will not be returned.

    5. Advanced Review Copies (electronic only) are acceptable for novels due to be released between 11 -30 June 2025. This file must be the final, published version, not a proof copy or manuscript.

    6. It is the nominator’s responsibility to ensure the EPUB file is properly formatted and rendered correctly across platforms. Please do not use a proprietary DRM solution or watermark across text as it will adversely affect the judges’ reading experience. Upon entry, the EPUB file will be moved to a restricted folder accessible only to the Judging Panel and HNSA staff via secure e-Readers. The e-Book file will not be shared with any party outside of the Judging Panel or HNSA. The Judges’ e-readers will be returned to HNSA at the end of the contest, and the files will be erased.

    7. It is the nominator’s responsibility to ensure hardcopies are not dispatched to the HNSA for entry to the Prize. HNSA is not responsible for the return of any books shipped. However, if novels are longlisted or shortlisted, print copies will be required and nominators notified of the necessary shipping arrangements.

    8. HNSA welcomes all entries submitted in good faith and reserves the right to refuse entries at the absolute discretion of the HNSA (e.g. entries nominated with malice or with the intent to mislead or deceive others, or which otherwise may harm the reputation of the ARA Historical Novel Prize, ARA Group, and/or HNSA.)

    9. In nominating or consenting to nomination of their novel, all shortlisted and prize-winning authors commit to accept the source of the funds awarded to them. Co-authors will be paid an equal share of the Prize money awarded for their book being shortlisted, or winning, a Prize.

    Judges’ decision

    10. The judging criteria include depth of research, widespread commercial reader appeal, with excellence in writing as the deciding factor. 

    11. The judging panel’s decisions are final and no debate or correspondence will be entered into.

    12. Requests for confirmation of receipt of entries will not be answered.

    13. The judges may call for novels which have not been entered in the Prize. Called-for entries must submit an online nomination form and pay the entry fee in order to be considered.

    14. A longlist of 9 novels will be announced on 3 September 2025. Nominators and/or authors of longlisted novels will be notified after the judges’ decision is made and are required to keep the longlist confidential until such date the HNSA advises it is acceptable to promote the novel’s longlisting. We regret we are not able to notify nominators who have not been successful.

    15. It is in the judge’s discretion to award highly commended status to books. Nominators and/or authors of the highly commended novel will be notified after the judges’ decision is made and will be required to keep commended status confidential until such date the HNSA advises it is acceptable to promote the novel’s placing. We regret we are not able to notify nominators who have not been successful.

    16. A short list of 3 novels will be announced on 24 September 2025. Nominators and/or authors of the shortlisted books will be notified after the judges’ decision is made and will be required to keep the shortlist confidential until such date the HNSA advises it is acceptable to promote the novel’s shortlisting. Nominators and/or authors of unsuccessful novels will be notified in accordance with HNSA timeframes.


    17. The author and/or publisher/and/or agent on nomination of a novel for the Prize each separately warrant:

    • The author’s novel is their original creation;

    • The author’s manuscript has not been wholly or substantially created by the use of generative AI technologies (AI grammatical and spelling tools are acceptable);

    • The author’s manuscript is not defamatory; and

    • ·The author’s manuscript does not infringe any existing copyright or licence or any other third-party rights.

    18. Each author and/or publisher and/or agent on nomination of a novel for the Prize indemnifies HNSA for any loss or damage resulting from any breach of the warranties at clause 17 above and acknowledges that HNSA may, in its absolute discretion, withhold Prize monies or seek repayment of the Prize monies, damages and costs in the event of a breach of those warranties.

    19. Each nominator warrants that the author meets the entry requirements, outlined above and in the nomination form, that all details included in their entry are true and accurate, and that the author has consented to nomination for the Prize on these terms and conditions.

    Promotion of the Prize

    20. For the purpose of promoting the Prize nominators will be asked to provide a headshot and short biography of the author, social media links, book cover and book blurb when completing the nomination form.

    21. By nominating, or consenting to nomination, for the Prize the author consents to HNSA collecting the author’s personal information for the purposes of administering and promoting the Prize and as reasonably necessary for the HNSA’s functions or activities. The HNSA may disclose an author’s personal information for these purposes or for a related purpose including to third party organisations that provide services in relation to the Prize. The author may access their personal information by contacting

    22. By nominating, or consenting to nomination, for the Prize the author agrees in the event of being shortlisted for or winning the Prize, to make themselves available, as reasonably required, for all media commitments that take place as a result of the various prize announcements. This may include being recorded for a video featured in the award ceremony and on HNSA’s social media platforms.

    23. In respect of Clauses 20-22 above, the author grants:

    • HNSA permission to use, copyright and publish all photographs, and/or audio, and/or footage taken of the author for the purpose of promoting, marketing or publicising HNSA and/or the Prize.

    • HNSA permission to use the author’s name, book title and assets listed in Clause 22 above for the purpose of announcing highly commended titles, longlist, shortlist, and winner of the Prize and for associated publicity purposes; 

    •  a waiver of the right to inspect or approve photographs, and /or audio, and/ or footage, and/or quotes which are used for the publication by HNSA both during and after the contest;

    • a release to HNSA (and its officers, employees, agents, sponsors, and contractors) from any liability (to the extent permitted by law) for any loss, injury or damage suffered in relation to the use of the photographs, footage, name and/or quotes, including but not limited to any claims of defamation, invasion of privacy or infringement of copyright

    24. The Prize winner will be announced at the ARA Historical Novel Prize award ceremony on 16 October 2025. It is a condition of entry that the winner and shortlisted authors are available to attend the award ceremony, and publishers will be expected to contribute towards reasonable travel, media, and promotional expenses.

    25. It is a condition of entry that publishing houses of novels shortlisted for the 2025 Prize contribute between $200 and $1,000 per title, or an equivalent value in kind, towards the costs of marketing the 2025 Prize shortlist. An invoice will be issued payable within 14 days of receipt. This sliding scale is dependent on the size of the publishing house. No author will be asked to personally contribute money. Please contact us at  if this contribution is likely to prohibit you from nominating a novel in the prize.


    26. Income taxation on Prize monies will be the responsibility of the author and the HNSA will not accept liability for remitting taxes or adjusting Prize monies except as required by law. Independent financial advice should be obtained by the author on the tax consequences prior to lodgment of an income tax return.


  • The Adult category winner will be awarded $100,000 AUD and a trophy.

    The two shortlisted authors will each be awarded $5,000 AUD and a certificate.

    Highly commended authors will receive a certificate.

    Enter the contest by completing the online form.

Children & Young Adult Historical Fiction Category: Prize Rules for 2025

Important Dates: See dates above.

  • 1. Novels must be historical novels as per the definition set out in the rules.

    2. Books must meet the definition of Children and Young Adult historical fiction as set out in the rules.

    3. All forms of non-fiction including narrative non-fiction and memoir are ineligible.

    4. Picture books and graphic novels are ineligible. Novels may include illustrations.

    5. Novels must have first been published or released in English between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025 (the Publication Period).

    6. Novels do not have to be set in either Australia and/or New Zealand, or feature the history of those countries.

    7. Reprints of earlier novels are ineligible.

    8. Self-published novels are eligible provided that they were first made available for purchase to members of the public via a retail platform during the Publication Period.

    9. Authors must be citizens or residents of Australia or New Zealand at the time of entry.

    10. Authors must be over 18 years of age.

    11. Novels must have an ISBN (print) and EPUB ISBN (digital).

    12. Novels must be produced and published in English.

    13. Novels must have good production values and be professionally edited.

    14. Minimum word count is 20,000 words. The word count must be specified on the nomination form.

    15. Verse novels are eligible.

    16. Copyright will remain with the author.

    17. Novels written by two or more authors in collaboration are eligible. Novels that are the collective work of a community group are ineligible. 

    18. Posthumous entries will not be accepted. A novel will be disqualified if an author dies after their book is entered.

    19. Novels featuring First Nations characters and/or history should be respectfully researched with evidence the author has consulted with appropriate cultural advisers from Indigenous communities in the locales in which a book is set e.g. through their author’s note or in the acknowledgements.

    20. Novels which do not meet the eligibility criteria will be removed from contention and not be considered by the judging panel.

    21. Novels by authors who are current members of the HNSA Management Committee and/or HNSA Prize sub-committee, or are commercial contractors retained by HNSA for its biennial conferences or the Prize, or are principals, board members and employees of ARA Group are not eligible to be nominated for the Prize. Equally, novels by members of the judging panels are not eligible to be nominated for either category of the Prize.

  • Important: Please first refer to eligibility criteria to determine if a book is eligible.


    1. Publishers, agents, or authors may nominate novels for the Prize. If the novel is being nominated by a publisher or agent, the author’s consent to enter the work must be obtained. This must be confirmed on the nomination form by ticking a box.

    2. A publisher, agent, or author may nominate more than one novel provided a separate entry fee is paid for each novel. 

    3. A non-refundable entry fee per novel is payable. Payment must be cleared by 30 June 2025. The fees are:

    • Early Bird 19 March (9 am) to 14 May 2025 (Midnight)- $50

    • General entry 15 May to 11 June 2025 (5pm)- $80

    4. Nominated novels must be submitted in valid EPUB format via the online form. No other digital format will be accepted e.g. PDF or MOBI files. If you do not have access to a valid EPUB file, please contact us via  Digital files of the books will not be returned.

    5. Advanced Review Copies (electronic only) are acceptable for novels due to be released between 11 -30 June 2025. This file must be the final, published version, not a proof copy or manuscript.

    6. It is the nominator’s responsibility to ensure the EPUB file is properly formatted and rendered correctly across platforms. Please do not use a proprietary DRM solution or watermark across text as it will adversely affect the judges’ reading experience. Upon entry, the EPUB file will be moved to a restricted folder accessible only to the Judging Panel and HNSA staff via secure e-Readers. The e-Book file will not be shared with any party outside of the Judging Panel or HNSA. The Judges’ e-readers will be returned to HNSA at the end of the contest, and the files will be erased.

    7. It is the nominator’s responsibility to ensure hardcopies are not dispatched to the HNSA for entry to the Prize. HNSA is not responsible for the return of any books shipped. However, if novels are longlisted or shortlisted, print copies will be required and nominators notified of the necessary shipping arrangements.

    8. HNSA welcomes all entries submitted in good faith and reserves the right to refuse entries at the absolute discretion of the HNSA (e.g. entries nominated with malice or with the intent to mislead or deceive others, or which otherwise may harm the reputation of the ARA Historical Novel Prize, ARA Group, and/or HNSA.)

    9. In nominating or consenting to nomination of their novel, all shortlisted and prize-winning authors commit to accept the source of the funds awarded to them. Co-authors will be paid an equal share of the Prize money awarded for their book being shortlisted, or winning, a Prize.

    Judges’ decision

    10. The judging criteria include depth of research, widespread commercial reader appeal, with excellence in writing as the deciding factor. 

    11. The judging panel’s decisions are final and no debate or correspondence will be entered into.

    12. Requests for confirmation of receipt of entries will not be answered.

    13. The judges may call for novels which have not been entered in the Prize. Called-for entries must submit an online nomination form and pay the entry fee in order to be considered.

    14. A longlist of 9 novels will be announced on 3 September 2025. Nominators and/or authors of longlisted novels will be notified after the judges’ decision is made and are required to keep the longlist confidential until such date the HNSA advises it is acceptable to promote the novel’s longlisting. We regret we are not able to notify nominators who have not been successful.

    15. It is in the judge’s discretion to award highly commended status to books. Nominators and/or authors of the highly commended novel will be notified after the judges’ decision is made and will be required to keep commended status confidential until such date the HNSA advises it is acceptable to promote the novel’s placing. We regret we are not able to notify nominators who have not been successful.

    16. A short list of 3 novels will be announced on 24 September 2025. Nominators and/or authors of the shortlisted books will be notified after the judges’ decision is made and will be required to keep the shortlist confidential until such date the HNSA advises it is acceptable to promote the novel’s shortlisting. Nominators and/or authors of unsuccessful novels will be notified in accordance with HNSA timeframes.


    17. The author and/or publisher/and/or agent on nomination of a novel for the Prize each separately warrant:

    • The author’s novel is their original creation;

    • The author’s manuscript has not been wholly or substantially created by the use of generative AI technologies (AI grammatical and spelling tools are acceptable);

    • The author’s manuscript is not defamatory; and

    • The author’s manuscript does not infringe any existing copyright or licence or any other third-party rights.

    18. Each author and/or publisher and/or agent on nomination of a novel for the Prize indemnifies HNSA for any loss or damage resulting from any breach of the warranties at clause 17 above and acknowledges that HNSA may, in its absolute discretion, withhold Prize monies or seek repayment of the Prize monies, damages and costs in the event of a breach of those warranties.

    19. Each nominator warrants that the author meets the entry requirements, outlined above and in the nomination form, that all details included in their entry are true and accurate, and that the author has consented to nomination for the Prize on these terms and conditions.

    Promotion of the Prize

    20. For the purpose of promoting the Prize nominators will be asked to provide a headshot and short biography of the author, social media links, book cover and book blurb when completing the nomination form.

    21. By nominating, or consenting to nomination, for the Prize the author consents to HNSA collecting the author’s personal information for the purposes of administering and promoting the Prize and as reasonably necessary for the HNSA’s functions or activities. The HNSA may disclose an author’s personal information for these purposes or for a related purpose including to third party organisations that provide services in relation to the Prize. The author may access their personal information by contacting

    22. By nominating, or consenting to nomination, for the Prize the author agrees in the event of being shortlisted for or winning the Prize, to make themselves available, as reasonably required, for all media commitments that take place as a result of the various prize announcements. This may include being recorded for a video featured in the award ceremony and on HNSA’s social media platforms.

    23. In respect of Clauses 20-22 above, the author grants:

    • HNSA permission to use, copyright and publish all photographs, and/or audio, and/or footage taken of the author for the purpose of promoting, marketing or publicising HNSA and/or the Prize.

    • HNSA permission to use the author’s name, book title and assets listed in Clause 22 above for the purpose of announcing highly commended titles, longlist, shortlist, and winner of the Prize and for associated publicity purposes; 

    • a waiver of the right to inspect or approve photographs, and /or audio, and/ or footage, and/or quotes which are used for the publication by HNSA both during and after the contest;

    • a release to HNSA (and its officers, employees, agents, sponsors, and contractors) from any liability (to the extent permitted by law) for any loss, injury or damage suffered in relation to the use of the photographs, footage, name and/or quotes, including but not limited to any claims of defamation, invasion of privacy or infringement of copyright

    24. It is a condition of entry that publishing houses of novels shortlisted for the 2025 Prize contribute between $200 and $1,000 per title, or an equivalent value in kind, towards the costs of marketing the 2025 Prize shortlist. An invoice will be issued payable within 14 days of receipt. This sliding scale is dependent on the size of the publishing house. No author will be asked to personally contribute money. Please contact us at if this contribution is likely to prohibit you from nominating a novel in the prize.

    25. The Prize winner will be announced at the ARA Historical Novel Prize award ceremony on 16 October 2025. It is a condition of entry that the winner and shortlisted authors are available to attend the award ceremony, and publishers will be expected to contribute towards reasonable travel, media, and promotional expenses.


    26. Income taxation on Prize monies will be the responsibility of the author and the HNSA will not accept liability for remitting taxes or adjusting Prize monies except as required by law. Independent financial advice should be obtained by the author on the tax consequences prior to lodgment of an income tax return.


  • The winner will be awarded $30,000 AUD and a trophy.

    The two shortlisted authors will each be awarded $5,000 AUD and a certificate.

    Highly commended authors will receive a certificate.

    Enter the contest by completing the online form.