Giveaway of Esther by Jennifer North
Here’s a treat for April. Our sponsor, Allen & Unwin, is offering a 3 book giveaway of Esther by Jennifer North, the story of Esther Abraham, a First Fleet convict who became the First Lady of the colony of Sydney. You can read a sample chapter here.

Jessica North has been researching Esther’s story for over adecade, discovering intriguing new information. She is a program director atthe Australian Research Institute for Environment and Sustainability atMacquarie University, and author of several guides.
Subscribe to our HNSA newsletter then comment on this post to enter the draw. Contest ends at 5 pm on 6 May 2019. Winning entries will be determined via
The little-known ragsto riches love story of a convict girl who arrived in Australia on the FirstFleet. Much like another, better-known colonial woman, Elizabeth Macarthur,Esther successfully managed her husband's property and became a significantfigure in the new colony.
Esther only justescaped the hangman in London. Aged 16, she stood trial at the Old Bailey forstealing 24 yards of black silk lace. Her sentence was transportation to theother side of the world.
She embarked on theperilous journey on the First Fleet as a convict, with no idea of what layahead. Once on shore, she became the servant and, in time, the lover of thedashing young first lieutenant George Johnston. But life in the fledglingcolony could be gruelling, with starvation looming and lashings for convictswho stepped out of line.
Esther was one of thefirst Jewish women to arrive in the new land. Through her we meet some of thekey people who helped shape the nation. Her life is an extraordinaryrags-to-riches story. As leader of the Rum Rebellion against Governor Bligh,George Johnston became Lieutenant-Governor of NSW, making Esther First Lady ofthe colony, a remarkable rise in society for a former convict.
'North skilfully weaves together one woman's fascinating saga with an equally fascinating history of the early colonial period of Australia. The resulting true story is sometimes as strange and thrilling as a fairytale.' - Lee Kofman, author of The Dangerous Bride.
Good luck in the draw!

HNSA Sydney 2019 will be held on the weekend of 25-27 October 2019 atWestern Sydney University Parramatta.
Once again, historical fiction writers and readers can gather for a threestream program on the weekend of 26-27 October including our extended Academicstream on Sunday 27 October. This time there’s also a Craft &Publishing program on Friday 25 October with craftworkshops, masterclassesand manuscript assessments with top class tutors. Our Guest of Honour is Jackie French. Keynote speaker Paula Morris will address ourtheme: History Repeats.
Among the 60 acclaimed speakers are patrons Kate Forsyth and Sophie Masson, Catherine Jinks, Ali Alizadeh, Marie Munkara, Lucy Treloar, Robert Gott, Pamela Hart, Nicole Alexander, Jane Caro, Alison Goodman, Kelly Gardiner, Michelle Aung Thin, Meg Keneally, Majella Cullinane and so manymore.
Our signature FirstPages Pitch Contest returns with $200 prize money on offer. They’ll also bea sword fight or two with our HistoricalRe-enactments & Weapons display!
Enjoy a delicious meal at our conferencedinner on Saturday 26 October where Anna Campbell will entertain us.You’ll also hear who’s won this year’s ARAHNSA Short Story Contest with a $500 prize.
Visit ourwebsite to purchase your early bird tickets now!
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