Melbourne Satellite Event: Triumphs and Pitfalls of the Self-Publishing Game
HNSA is proud to announce its next Melbourne satellite eventin the lead up to HNSA Sydney 2019.
G.S. Johnston, Kathryn Gauci and Michelle Lovi will be inconversation with Chris Foley as they share their experiences withself-publishing. There isn’t a single motivation for self-publishing, and thereisn’t a single way to do it, as our panellists will discuss.
Date: 2.15pm for 2.30 pm start, Sunday 14 April 2019
Location: Mail Exchange Hotel (688 Bourke Street, Melbourne)
The panel event will be preceded by the monthly Melbourne Chapterlunch (from 11.30am). All are welcome to attend.
Tickets ($20.00) can be purchased from Trybooking.
Ticket price includes afternoon tea. Additional beverages and foodand can be ordered from the bar.

Kathryn Gauci & Chris Foley
G.S. Johnston is the author of three historical novels, Sweet Bitter Cane (2019), The Cast of a Hand (2015), The Skin of Water (2012). And a fourth novel set in contemporary Hong Kong, Consumption (2011). The novels are noted for their complex characters and well-researched settings.
After completing a degree in pharmacy, a year in Italy re-ignited his passion for writing and he completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature. Feeling the need for a broader canvas, he started writing short stories and novels. Connect with GS Johnston via his website, Facebook and Twitter.
Michelle Lovi is the founder and publisher at Odyssey Books, and new imprint Publisher Obscura. After many years working in indie magazines, web design, and working as a consultant helping authors to self-publish, Michelle ultimately turned to book publishing in 2009, when Odyssey
Books was born. In her spare time, Michelle loves travel, cooking and archery. Connect with Michelle via Odyssey Books. Michelle will be appearing as one of our judges in the First Pages Pitch Contest on Saturday 26 October 2019 at HNSA Sydney 2019.
Before turning to writing full-time, Kathryn Gauci ran her own textile design studio in Melbourne for over fifteen years, work which she enjoyed tremendously as it allowed her the luxury of travelling worldwide, often taking her off the beaten track and exploring other cultures. The Embroiderer is her first novel; a culmination of those wonderful years of design and travel, and especially of those glorious years in her youth living and working in Greece – a place that she is proud to call her spiritual home. It has also been translated into Greek. Seraphina’s Song and The Carpet Weaver of Usak complete The Asia Minor Trilogy. Connect with Kathryn via her website, Facebook and Twitter @KathrynGauci. Her most recent book is Conspiracy of Lies.
Chris Foley ruthlessly plunders his varied career as a teacher, archivist, IT Consultant, soldier, and toy museum guide, to inform his historical and speculative fiction writing. His scholarly work is so meticulously researched that it is guaranteed to reduce even a hardened historian to an unconscious state. Fortunately, his fiction writing is more fun – exploring twists on well-trodden paths in space opera and military science fiction. Chris’ recent short stories include a secret police operative, a space-captain-for-hire, a blind tourist guide, and a man who gets lost on the way to the afterlife. Follow him on Facebook ChrisFoleyAuthor and Historyclicking.

Learn more about HNSA Sydney 2019 at our website where you can buy early bird tickets. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to be kept up to date.