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Chat Salon: Military History with Peter Watt

Peter Watt’s epic adventure novels chronicle military conflicts from mid C19th to WW2. Come and meet Peter to hear his insights into researching military history and writing action packed stories. You’ll be able to share your own knowledge about this topic.

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Peter Watt

Peter Watt’s life experiences have included time as a soldier, articled clerk to a solicitor, prawn trawler deckhand, builder’s labourer, pipe layer, real estate salesman, private investigator, police sergeant and adviser to the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary. He has lived and worked with Aborigines, Islanders, Vietnamese and Papua New Guineans. He speaks, reads and writes Vietnamese and Pidgin – and has a reasonable grasp of the English language. He currently lives in Maclean, on the Clarence River in Northern NSW. Australian Institute of Training and Development and the Australian Society of Authors. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree (University of Tasmania), Post Graduate Diploma of Training & Development (University of New England) and an Associate Diploma of Justice Administration (Sturt University). For further information:



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