First conference news: a fresh approach

Introducing our Friday workshop program for HNSA 2019

The 2019 historical novel conference kicks off in Sydney in October, and here’s your first sneak peek into the program.

We’ve heard you!

We’ve listened to your feedback from our 2017 conference. You wanted longer workshops and didn’t want to miss out on sessions in the main conference streams by attending tutorials on the weekend.

So this year, practical craft workshops for writers and manuscript assessments happen on Friday 25 October, followed by two full days of conference sessions for readers and writers on 26 and 27 October 2019.

What’s new?

Friday 25 October will be a full day devoted to craft and publishing. There’ll be a suite of 9 two hour workshops by top rate tutors offering insights and practical tips on various aspects of the writing craft, research, and sub-genres. Our wonderful team includes Kate Forsyth (on Romance), Sophie Masson (CYA), Alison Goodman (Fantasy), Robert Gott (Crime& Mystery), Pamela Hart (Researching Insights), Kelly Gardiner (Scrivener), Rachel Franks (Trove), Paula Morris (Family History) and Evan Shapiro (Self-publishing).

Workshop in action at 2017 conference
Eleanor Limprecht teaching a family history workshop during the 2017 conference

Our popular 1:1 manuscripts assessments will also happen on the Friday – this year with Scholastic publisher Clare Hallifax, and agent Irina Dunn.

Also on Friday is Gillian Polack’s masterclass on research, but this time Gillian is offering 1:1 sessions instead of teaching small groups.

Gillian Polack’s masterclass in action, 2017

What happens on Friday night?

After our day of learning and scribbling and talking, we’ll adjourn for a Happy Hour (or two) at a local pub, and anyone who’s ready to party or just have a quite chat is welcome to come along. This will be a casual event, instead of an opening night reception.

Our fabulous Saturday night dinner during the conference will provide you with the opportunity to socialise with conference guests and participants.

What next?

Make sure you add the whole of Friday 25 October to your diaries. Tickets to the workshops, assessments and masterclasses will go on sale when Early Bird registration begins. We promise it’s very soon – stay tuned!

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