Opening Night Reception
Metcalfe Auditorium,
State Library of NSW,
Macquarie St, Sydney
6 – 9 pm
Join us as we officially launch the inaugural HNSA Conference. Meet other attendees as canapés and drinks are served then enjoy our program.
6.00 pm – COCKTAILS
6.30 pm – WELCOME
Welcome Address by Sophie Masson, award winning novelist
7.00 pm – BOOK LAUNCH
Celebrate the launch of Felicity Pulman’s Unholy Murder
To be launched by Gillian Polack.
Enjoy a lively round table discussion with Kelly Gardiner (Chair), Deborah Challinor, Jesse Blackadder, Rachel Le Rossignol and Gillian Pollack as they ponder the question: ‘What can historical novelists and historians learn from each other?’
Tickets to the Opening Night reception and round table must be purchased prior to the event.
Speakers’ details can be found here.
Conference Dinner and Book Launch
Saturday 21st March at 6.00 pm
Royal Oak Hotel,
36 College St, Balmain
Join us to celebrate the launch of Sherryl Clark’s Do You Dare – Jimmy’s War.
To be launched by Goldie Alexander.
Dinner speaker: Kate Forsyth
Tickets to the Conference Dinner must be purchased prior to the event.